
My first experience of a slow-lab and its healing properties – Rovaniemi, June 2016

I was visiting Rovaniemi in Lapland to learn about the vision behind the idea of slow labs.  My contribution, I thought, was to help plan ways in which the slow lab idea might be developed and operationalised, and discuss how its value might be assessed.  So, it could have been similar to most other meetings of academic minds: a little dry, somewhat ‘sterile’, and based entirely on rationality and utilitarianism.

But it was not.

Everyone there was so generous.  Generous of spirit, willingly giving of themselves to me and my colleague, and to others.  They were kind to us and to each other.  And creative.  Creative as in being open to thinking and doing things in different ways, and holding spaces open, so that others could find their creative selves.  And Lapland and its people were quiet and slow.  Quiet and slow in a good way, helping me to slow down, and to feel and experience the love that was all around me.

Therefore, I found myself immersed in a healing environment.  I was not just talking about and discussing the idea of a slow lab, I was IN a slow lab.

Healing is about reconnecting with the essence of yourself, which is a part of the greater truth and soul of the Universe.  The core of that soul is love.   Healing can only occur where there is love and when people feel safe.  And it can be facilitated by that opening up of our imagination, and letting go of the constraints of our physical selves, that is creativity, that is art.

On our way back I said that I felt ‘rejuvenated’ by my first, brief visit to a slow lab.  That was a way of saying that I had experienced healing while there.

What a wonderful experience.  What a great way of developing healing environments.

Paul Dieppe

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